


18-19 2people 19-20 6people 20-21 4people face05

Thank you so much for coming in the rain today!

Welcome back from Germany!face05
Where did you visit? He visited Frankfurt and Stuttgart. It was tiring for him becuase he had to transfer a couple of times before going to Germany. Since he went to Germany on business, he had little time to go sightseeing. He enjoyed drinking beer and
sausages! ビールはやはり格別!そしてソーセージも!
Thank you for sharing beautiful photos of Germany! Wow!
How do people call sausages in German?
He thought that the food he ordered was a sausage, but it was not! It just looked like a sausage noodles!

be disappointed at ~にがっかりするkao06
He was disappointed that many museums were closed on Monday.

Can you hold your drink? お酒に強いですか。face01
He saw carbonated water sold at many stores in Germany.
carbonated water 炭酸水
Do you like carbonated water? fizzy drinks icon12

When she went to Switzerland, she was moved by the beautiful sceneries. She was surprised to
find a watch shop located on the top of mountain. The beautiful sceneries reminded her of Heidi.
もうスイスは本当に美しい!感動☆ ハイジを思い出せる美しい景色、、見たいですね。さすがスイス!山の上にも

How was your trip to Kochi?! She went there with her mandorin orchestra group for a concert!
The place she visited in Kochi is called Tosa of Tibet.

She visited Hiroshima for peace learning last month. She visited Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park and Miyajima.
The part of the main hall of the shrine where gods are worshipped was under coustruction.
Autumn leaves must have been very beautiful there!  もみじ綺麗だったでしょうか!

His tongue felt numb because of the strong ginger ale he had at a restaurant.
I want to feel how strong the ginger ale is.

She is going to work at the wine fair next week! It is going to be held from the 18th until the 23rd on the 10th floor of Kyoto Isetan Department store.
Her recommendation is Chile wine Torreon de Paredes! Check it out!
いらしてみて下さい!ジェイアール京都伊勢丹10F 催事場にてface05

11月 外国人観光客お助け隊
11月19日(木)京都 トワイライトお助け 
11月21日(土)京都 東寺マーケット!
11月24日(火)大阪 スカイビル!
21日(土) 午後からは 茶道に詳しいオーストラリア人の方との佐川美術館ツアーを予定しています!
Let’s enjoy talking with foreign travelers!
京都:午前10時 京都タワー1F入り口前 集合  
大阪:午後2時 JR大阪駅 桜橋口 集合!  

Thank you so much for coming and souveniors!!
色々なお話有難うございました! お土産も有難うございました!

Have a good weekend!

Posted by 英会話VELCO at 01:08 Comments( 0 ) Tonomura

11/14(Sat.) SB, TOEIC600


11:00-11:50 6 attendees
12:00-12:50 6 attendees


Q. A group of word that together have a particular meaning, especially when they express a meaning well in a few words .

Q.To raise your shoulders and then drop them to show that you don't know or care about something.
A.Shrug( 肩をすくめる)



「〇〇という職業は〜をする人です」という文を英作しながら関係代名詞 whoを使った英作に取り組んでいただきいきました(^^)


A carpenter is a person who builds houses.(大工さんは家を建てる人です)

A customer is a person who buys something from a store.(顧客とは店から何かを買う人です)


13:30-14:20 1 attendee
14:30-15:20 1 attendee

単語の復習、意味&スペリングの確認をしたのち、リスニング問題 Part 4 ( 6問 )リーディング Part 7 ( 8問 )に取り組んでいただきました。

Posted by 英会話VELCO at 21:08 Comments( 0 ) Yumi






新ブログは、wordpress ブログとなります。
梅田校ブログ http://velcoumeda.wordpress.com/
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Posted by 英会話VELCO at 20:08 Comments( 0 ) Chihaya

Free Talking with Jon 2015-11-12


Lesson 1 - 19:00-20:00 - 2 Students.

Spoke of the weather and how it is colder now. Nano House is quite cold in the mornings and evenings and we spoke about what we were doing to keep warm. England has the Gulf Stream which helps to keep the west warmer in the winter. We spoke of Ireland not being part of the UK, but we don't know why. We talked about industry in England and Ireland. We spoke about beer in the UK and the different types and the beers we drink in Japan. We then spoke about 食べ放題 and 飲み放題 and whether we win or lose with it. For the most part, we all lost at 食べ放題 but won at 飲み放題. We would all probably lose in the sweets buffet. We spoke of Kansai people apparently being opportunistic and the opposite of that. The students then checked about people being Scrooges - misers - which brought the conversation to Christmas and what is usually shown on TV.

P.Y.O - Pick your own.

Lesson 2 - 20:00-21:00 - 3 Students.

We carried on talking about TV programs and what we were watching at the moment. We spoke about needing a TV licence in both England and Japan, although a lot of people don't bother with it. The next part of Free Talk has been censored as we spoke about illegal activity.
We then spoke about things we had been given as children for free from places or people - I got a free boomerang when was young!. We then spoke about things we had gotten away with, such as receiving more change from shops than we should or being given a better product than what we had ordered.
One student then asked if we liked Evangelion, so we spoke of that and what our favourite anime movie was.

Thank you all for coming this evening! I hope to see you all again soon. kao05

Posted by 英会話VELCO at 18:02 Comments( 0 ) John

Free Talk with エミリーちゃん 14th November 2015


Hey everyone,

14th November 2015
Otsu Free Talk
11am-12pm: 4 students
12pm-1pm: 5 students

Lesson One:
I showed the students a new video of the current hostage and terrorist situation that is still going on in Paris right now. Most students weren't aware of the situation and this brought up a lot of discussions about terrorism. I noticed that everyone's gut instinct was to believe that it was ISIS even though no news has been realised about the motive behind the attack. I mentioned that exactly 11 months ago there was the hostage situation in Sydney, Australia. We spoke about how after 9/11 terrorism is assumed to be related to Muslim extremists. I asked the students what they knew about the Muslim culture and religion before 9/11. It seems as though they hardly knew anything and that usually Japanese people do not bring up the topic of religion. We spoke about the power of the government and media in creating moral panics in society and segregating minor religions and cultures from our own. We discussed the difference between refugees and asylum speakers and how the mass movement of refugees from Syria to other European countries may evoke fear now after the Paris incident. We then did a small scenario exercise, 'If there was a gunman in this room what would your first response be?'. Most students said they would either freeze on the spot, run, or hide under the table. I said I would throw the Velco laptop at them and try to tackle them down in hope of getting the gun out of their hand. We spoke about different scenarios such as; if the gunman was short, tall, a female, had a knife instead of a gun. We then discussed the difference between someone attacking you in a classroom full of people compared to that of a one-on-one house invasion. We discussed how a bigger crowd creates a chain reaction of fear compared to one where you're alone and must fight to survive.

Lesson Two:
The second lesson I brought up a new article from yesterday's newspaper regarding the murder and mutilation of a transgendered victim in Tokyo. We spoke about different hypotheses behind the murder; whether it was due to domestic violence, love quarrels, targeted attack by an outsider or just a random attack. We spoke about the murder being quite personal and the act of facial mutilation as being very extreme. We spoke about societies view of transgendered individuals and how the students would feel if one approached them in different settings. We then spoke about whether they would accept their friends if they found out if they were transgender. One of the students mentioned that it is easier to accept a female who dresses or transitions into a man than vice versa. I asked the class why this is and most took a while to think of why we have this view on the agenda. We then got onto the topic of mail order brides (a had to explain what this was) and how there have been instances where men marry lady boys by accident. We discussed the difference between mail order brides and human trafficking. We ended the lesson with a few idioms and some slang words.

YOLO (you only live once)
Asylum seekers
Set them up
Mail order brides
Human trafficking
Moral panics
5 o'clock shadow
Domestic violence
Glued to the TV
Square eyes
Couch potato
A penny for your thoughts
Zoning out
Don't beat around the bush

Thank you for the serious lesson! Great to hear your openness to other cultures and religions...but also humorous to know you would react in a crisis situation. Thought are with the people in Paris. See you all next week!

Emily face03

Posted by 英会話VELCO at 13:43 Comments( 0 ) Emily