
Free Talking with John 2015-10-14


Lesson 1 - 19:00-20:00 - 1 Student.

It was my first time meeting this student, so we intorduced ourselves and where we are from. We spoke about what the student's job was and why I came to Japan. The student spoke about moving to Kansai and the problems they had with the Kansai dialect at first; it sounded as though people were always angry.
We then spoke about another student's recent trip to Nano Village and discussed Nano Village and Okayama and what the student thought about the place.


Lesson 2 - 20:00-21:00 - 4 Students.

We spoke more about the student's trip to Nano Village. Being in the countryside, there are a lot of insects, and the student showed a picture of a centipede (non poisonous) that they saw there. We then talked about Otsu festival and what we should do with the new Luck charm and how to throw away the old one. Talk then moved to Nano House and the repairs, and the creature that I can hear at night walking over my ceiling. As mice are most likely what I can hear walking over the ceiling, we spoke about Doraemon, who has a phobia of mice. We talked about Doraemon's anywhere door, mice and rats as pests and if people were scared of them.

Thank you all for coming, I hope to see you soon. kao05


滋賀県 ブログランキングへ
 Free Talking with Jon 2015-11-12 (2015-11-14 18:02)
 Free Talking with John 2015-11-05 (2015-11-05 21:32)
 Free Talking with John 2015-10-28 (2015-11-01 11:56)
 Free Talking with John 2015-10-21 (2015-10-22 00:01)
 Free talking with John 2015-10-07 (2015-10-07 21:24)
 Free Talking with John 2015-09-30 (2015-09-30 21:21)

Posted by 英会話VELCO at 13:05│Comments(0)John